By Wanita Nicol

The reishi mushroom, a.k.a. Ganoderma lucidum, is native to Asia, where it grows wild at the base of deciduous trees – although its occurrence in nature is rare. The mushroom has many names. That’s because it’s been so widely used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years that there’s a word for it in pretty much every language. More recently, modern scientists have started researching reishi mushroom and discovered that ...

By Wanita Nicol

It’s been a helluva year. Chances are, you’re feeling exhausted, drained, and you’re struggling to find the concentration you need to push through these last few weeks. Sound familiar? When your mind feels foggy and you’re struggling to focus, it’s a natural reaction to turn to coffee to keep you going. But while regular coffee may give you an initial energy spike, it can have other undesirable side effects.How Coffee ...